Quo fans who keep up to date with social media may well be aware of the great work Quo fanatic Jamie Dyer has done with his brilliant ‘Quo-cast’. A while ago, well, last year in fact, whilst I was laid up with a gammy shoulder, Jamie got in touch and wanted me to talk to him about the Hello! album, which is probably my all-time favourite. I talk about the album in some detail, why I like it, what it was like to play the album end-to-end live (watch out for the shows where we do whole albums, special occasions only..!) and we talk a lot about the songwriting and playing on the album. I think it’s one of Francis Rossi’s and Status Quo’s finer moments, what do you think?
Recently the Quo-cast’s main website came down but fortunately Jamie’s channel on YouTube is still there. Have a flick through, loads of great stuff about our favourite band there, as they say, ‘like and subscribe’.. You can find Jamie’s channel at https://www.youtube.com/@TheQuoCast